


Human Ecologies(2021) Commissioned by The Scottish Poetry Library with Africa in Motion and the Obsidian Foundation.


'Dzifa Benson speaks to Clementine E. Burnley and Zakia Carpenter-Hall', The Poetry Society/ The Poetry Review


Past Projects

Poetry London Mentee

Zakia received a year of mentoring from Mimi Khalvati as a part of Poetry London's inaugural Mentoring Scheme.

Writer in Residence

During the spring and summer of 2015, Zakia served as a Writer in Residence with The Poetry School and London Parks & Gardens Trust.  She was based at St. Luke's Community Centre's Terrace Garden where she worked with community liaison Heather Stabler.

She spoke to members of the public to form a collaged poem of haiku and did a reading during Open Garden Squares Weekend.  Following those events, Zakia was invited back to St. Luke's to do an additional reading.  As a gift and in appreciation of the partnership, Zakia created and designed a panelled poem which is on display at the centre.